konsole questions

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Oct 30 06:38:53 UTC 2010

shawn wilson wrote:
> 1. how do i get it to do copy / paste like gdm (i think it was
> called) on the console or like putty in windows? where you select
> and your text is immediately stored in your clipboard and you right
> click to paste from the clipboard.

You can mark a text with your mouse and then right-click and select 
"copy". Then you can right-click again and select "paste". The second 
option would be to mark the text and then paste it directly with a 
middle-click. By middle-click I mean click on the mouse wheel or if you 
don't have one, click both left and right simultaneously.

> 2. how do i turn on system beeps from the konsole - i'd prefer that
> system beeps from the console come through the kde sound server
> instead of straight to the internal speaker. however, if i could get
> konsole to flash the screen (even if i'm not looking at konsole) or
> even just put a little message on the system tray - i don't care.

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