[lucid] how to mount USB storage with correct permissions?

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at web.de
Fri Oct 29 14:04:21 UTC 2010

On Friday 29 October 2010, Nils Kassube wrote:
> shawn wilson wrote:
> > What reinhold said is the proper way to do things (add yourself
> > to the disk group).
> No, adding someone to the disk group is NOT the proper way. If I
> were a member of that group I could by mistake wipe entire disks
> with any command that would write to the device file of the disk
> / partition even without the use of sudo. The permissions for
> access to files on the disk MUST be handled by the kernel after
> mounting the partition.

The adding the user to the disk group would have been a desperate 
effort to get the permissions to mount, but seeing as how that isn't 
the problem, this isn't necessary.

Just to be clear, the accessing external devices privileges thing is 
the plugdev group - members of the disk group can do pretty much 
anything to any attached disk, including the hard drive Linux is 
running on. Sorry for any confusion.


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