How do I move my panel?

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at
Tue Oct 26 17:32:11 UTC 2010

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:50 AM, shawn wilson < at> wrote:
> Not sure about displays, but
> FYI, in the future, mount your partitions how they were on your running
> system. Chroot. Ldconfig. Grub-install. Or dd if=/dev/disk
> of=/boot/grub/stage1 bs=512 count=1  I'm not in front of a computer so you
> should probably confer with Google on that dd.

I tried grub-install.  grub-install always ended with a seg-fault and
no change to booting.  I didn't try that "dd" trick--it didn't show up
on my searches, only the grub-install trick.  Does that work with

I have yet to see an advantage to grub2.  It still feels like going
back to the bad old days of lilo.

> I also have a cron job to tar etc on a weekly basis (revision control would
> probably be better) fwiw

I always back up /etc/ before upgrading.  A cron job is probably a better idea.



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