user-switching behavior question

Tom Bell cbell44 at
Mon Oct 25 17:14:05 UTC 2010

On 10/25/2010 6:38 AM, Paul Kaplan wrote:
> On Monday, October 25, 2010 02:00:30 am Tom Bell wrote:
>> On 10/24/2010 9:06 AM, Paul Kaplan wrote:
>>> One feature of a multi-user Windows system that I like is that when the
>>> screen-saver kicks in after a few minutes and a user goes to wake up the
>>> system, they are presented with a list of users on the machine and can
>>> then login to any account they choose.  I find this useful on a family
>>> machine where noone remembers to logout but everyone wants to keep
> their
>>> userspace hidden from other users.
>>> Perhaps I'm not understanding quite how the user-switching applet in
>>> kubuntu works, but it looks like a user has to activiate it to get the
>>> system to lock the current user account and present with new login
>>> screen.
>>> Is it possible to emulate the Windows configuration?
>>> Paul
>> Any time you want open a terminal and type 'who' and it will list
>> everyone who is logged on
>> and what terminal they are logged in on.
>> You don't have to wait for the screen saver to kick in.
>> Good luck!
>> Tom
> It's not that I'm looking to find out who's logged in.  Rather that I'm trying
> to build a multi-user machine for the family that wakes from a sleep state to
> allow for selection of any user account and after a user walks away from the
> machine without logging out, returns to that screen.  It would be nice to
> allow multiple concurrent logins (although not specifically multiple
> concurrent users)...maybe a GUI to automate ALT+CTRL+F7/F8/F9
> functionality and that enforces passwords during the switch.
> Maybe an alternative solution is to find a way to force logout after a certain
> amount of non-use.  Is that possible?
> Paul
You might try System Settings --> Power Management --> General 
Settings--> Settings and Profile
and click (tick) "Lock screen on resume".  That should request the 
password or logout of current user.
Since I have not done it myself (single-user) I have no idea exactly how 
it works.
Good luck!


  Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  -- Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (Juvenal), Roman Poet, late 1st, early 2nd century AD
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