kde4.5.2, kmail and very profligate use of drive space question

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon Oct 18 16:36:31 UTC 2010

On Monday, October 18, 2010 12:24:12 pm Nils Kassube did opine:

> gene heskett wrote:
> > I believe it is the ~/.kde tree that is surplus, I just renamed it to
> > ".kde-test" & we'll see who complains.  If nobody does, it gets
> > nuked.
> ~/.kde is the current config directory. ~/.kde4 was used for some time
> when both KDE3 and KDE4 were available from the repos, IIRC. But no
> application will complain if the directory is missing. They just start
> from scratch which may not be what you want. E.g. kmail stores your mail
> somewhere in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/.
> Nils

This may depend on the distro's.  In an hour, nothing of kde's has 
complained because the directory is missing.  Everything has duplicates in 
the .kde4 tree, and its these duplicates that seem to be the ones actively 
being used.  Bear in mind this isn't ubuntu, but pclos.  All of that email 
corpus was copied over from a Mint 9 install that self destructed in less 
that a months time from its fresh install during an update.  I haven't been 
on fedora since F10, going to mandriva which worked for several months and 
then self emolated during an update, just as mint did a month later  pclos 
so far as hehaved itself very well, but it also was a go back to 32 bit for 
me.  Bear in mind these were all fresh installs on individual hard drives 
as there are 4 1Tb drives in this box, one of which is the virtual tapes 
for amanda, my backup program.  This mobo still has 2 empty sata-II 

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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