Pulseaudio on Maverick 10.10

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 20:30:05 UTC 2010

On 12/10/2010 22:24, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-10-12 at 12:04 +0200, O. Sinclair wrote:
>> On 12/10/2010 11:36, Valter Mura wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> with the new release in subject (Maverick 10.10), the system changed the
>>> handling of the audio, at least for me, from alsa to pulseaudio.
>>> Now my microphone doesn't work (I tried it with Skype, that I use) and in the
>>> setting interface of the mixer there are no options to set channels and
>>> devices.
>>> Is there anybody who knows how to get solved this problem, keeping the
>>> pulseaudio server? Or is it  necessary to open a bug?
>> In a way I see it as a bug, I had the same experience as you. However,
>> digging the list archives I found that if you install pavucontrol from
>> Kpackagekit (or whatever you prefer) that gives you the setting options
>> you need.
>> I managed to get my built-in mic selected and working using that. Now I
>> would like to see a System Settings module for this though...
> pavucontrol is the MAIN control app for pulse. How it got excluded is
> beyond me. It's certainly included under Ubuntu, at least for 10.4, When
> I get my DVD for 10.10 I'll post how it goes. But, without pavucontrol,
> you're missing the GOOD STUFF!! Maybe you upgraded and it didn't pick up
> on the fact that you're missing this from 10.4 ?? Ric

I am sure you are right - the problem is that the Kubuntu install does 
not include it (Ubuntu Gnome and Kubuntu KDE are not the same) and there 
are no settings in System Settings (at least not with my Intel HDA card) 
for Pulseaudio.

So unless you do what I do - research around (in this case I vaguely 
remembered having seen something on this list) you may be very lost


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