KGrubEditor in Kubuntu 10.04

Goh Lip g.lip at
Thu Oct 7 18:15:42 UTC 2010

On Friday 08,October,2010 01:42 AM, Adil ALPMAN wrote:
> Thanks Goh, but i cant install this package from kubuntu 8.04's default
> sources.list unfortunetely and i get package not found message when i input
> apt-get install grubeditor command...
> Thanks...

Okay, don't know why that is so when it is listed as a package. But, 
and you are required to add this ppa to the repository..

Watch out carefully how you need to add the gpg key. (its fairly easy 
after karmic).

[off topic]
I guess you're on grub-legacy and I expect you would upgrade to newer 
versions that uses grub2, sometime in the future. Please watch out for 
breakages if you use kgrubeditor as per my previous message and also this..

I wouldn't use it if I were you. (i am not Christine Mcdonell  :) )
But it's really your choice. Or you can fresh-install the new version.

Good luck, Adil (that means 'fair', right? )

Regards - Goh Lip

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