KGrubEditor in Kubuntu 10.04

Goh Lip g.lip at
Thu Oct 7 17:31:16 UTC 2010

On Friday 08,October,2010 12:08 AM, Adil ALPMAN wrote:
> I wanna install this packege
>  to my kubuntu 8.04 all
> updated but when i add's ppa link to /etc/apt/sources.list and
> then when u run apt-get update command i get an error about gpg or something
> like that...

Adil, noticed that it is part of the normal repository for hardy and jaunty.

I would think it is possible to just "sudo apt-get install kgrubeditor"
without using the ppa repository. Also, this would be better as when you 
upgrade to newer versions (which uses grub2), the conflicts will be 
taken care of (ppa's are usually - sometimes not - automatically 
uninstalled upon upgrades).

But since you had installed (without gpg key), you need to uninstall, 
remove the ppa repository, update/upgrade before you install from the 
normal repository.

Regards - Goh Lip

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