Question re sata cables

gene heskett gheskett at
Wed Oct 6 18:25:43 UTC 2010

On Wednesday, October 06, 2010 02:17:43 pm David Fletcher did opine:

> On Wednesday 06 Oct 2010, Basil Chupin wrote:
> > *NO*! You are joking of course? Say you are...please say yes :-) . Of
> > course you're one of Ric's gang, aren't you? :-) .
> > 
> > A brush with natural bristles like horse hair but not with artificial
> > bristles to clean up some of the accumulated gunk and then some
> > blowing with CANNED air - but NOT a 90psi air hose! (unless you use
> > it from a safe distance like 4 feet or so away) - would get the job
> > done. You will need to remove any fans (except those in the PSU) and
> > give them a good clean with the brush/canned air (possibly even
> > disassemble them and grease/oil the spindles?).
> I _always_ use an air line to blow the muck out of the heat sinks. Why
> buy silly little cans of air at great expense when I've got a nice big
> air can that pressurises itself for a couple of pennies worth of
> electricity?
> I don't open the regulator out to 90psi though, probably more like 40 or
> 50, and I hold the fans still before blasting air through them.
> Everything always continues to work for me after doing this.
> BTW I didn't know it was possible to dismantle computer fans.
> Dave

That depends on the fan, Dave.  Some make it fairly painless to remove the 
decal sealing up the bearing well, and some just plain weren't made to ever 
allow that, resulting in a better dust seal.  And you won't know till you 
get a pocket knife tip under the decal and lift it, gently because that 
glue is both tenacious & often so old as to be unusable to put the label 
decal back on.  I have in a few instances, taken a needle, like the Radio 
Shack oiler with its 2" big needle, and pierced the label.  That oil does 
oxidize and darken with light exposure over the years if its left exposed, 
but the oil itself works as well as anything else I've tried, including 3n1 
and some uber fancy sewing machine oil. 3n1 is a joke for motors IMO.

Cheers, Gene
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	Hearing something you like about someone you don't.
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