
Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Sat Nov 27 18:10:09 UTC 2010

On Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:31:21 am Valter Mura wrote:
> In data venerdì 26 novembre 2010 09:51:43, Bill vance ha scritto:
> > Howdy;
> > 
> > Ok, then in order:
> > 
> > I did finally find _pavu_ control, (not pauvcontrol), and it worked,
> > once I figured out that it
> > needed to be unmuted.

I'm sorry, that was likely from me as I get those two letters mixed up while 
typing alot.  I think it ought to have been a default included part of any 
pulse-audio installation.  I'm happy it also cured your sound problem as it 
has for most of my installs here in town.  I have 113 current 10.04 installs 
so far in my town!  Only six still are set up as dual boot with windoze.

> > Ubuntu works, it was everything else that had problems.  I'll download
> > ubuntu-desktop in a
> > little while, when I'm through dealling with the email.
> I'm using Kubuntu "native" and it works fine, too. Obviuously I had to
> install pavucontrol.

The -desktop suffix, like kubuntu-desktop will pull the needed things for 
Kubuntu, will get the whole working flavor.  The underlying engine is still 
Ubuntu so I have seen no problems on my machine with three desktops installed.  
About the only time I see Gnome or Xfce however, is when I boot into one to 
show someone what it looks like.  Most of the people, when I show them that, 
really enjoy customizing their own installs to suit themselves!  That freedom 
is something laking in whatever other OS they were used to using!   

> > One question I forgot to ask earlier:  I find that I kinda like gnome
> > for some things, and kde
> > for others, so I'm wondering if I can pick which one I want to use
> > during boot up/login, or
> > will the installation of kubuntu-desktop lock me into that only?
> > 
> > Is there perhaps, some util for swapping desktops?
> I think you need to have both desktops installed.

Yes, if you have multiple desk-tops installed, you also have a choice of which 
to boot into at boot up.  However, you then also have apps available from any 
of the other installed desktops in any one you choose to run!  For instance, I 
only run Kubuntu but use synaptic for a package manager which I like WAY 
better than the default Kubuntu one.    

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403

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