KDE 4.5.3

Isak Enström isak.enstrom at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 08:14:11 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 23 November 2010 12.49.25 Mark Fraser wrote:
> If you're planning on upgrading 10.10 soon then a word of warning, you may
> have a lot of work to do. I had to remove kubuntu-desktop, upgrade, reboot,
> re-enable the kubuntu ppas and then update a few times.

Finally took the time to do the upgrade last night, everything is running  
smooth and well. It definitely feels snappier than before and this time I 
didn't get any unpleasant surprises.

Not going to upgrade to 10.10 on this machine, and I usually make semi-clean 
installs anyway, formatting / and erasing most dot-files and folders from my 

// Isak

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