solved (probably) Re: too much work for irq17

Bruce Bales bbales at
Fri Nov 26 00:24:26 UTC 2010

On Thursday 25 November 2010 07:53:41 Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 11:45:45 -0600, Bruce Bales wrote:
> > I have been using kubuntu 8.04 since 2008 and upgrading fairly often.
> > About a month ago I tried to upgrade and the machine thrashed around a
> > while then started sending the message "serial8250: too much work for
> > irq17" then said "changing to low-graphics mode".  It became useless.
> > dmesg was full of "serial8250: too much work for irq17"
> >
> > Since support for 8.04 will end soon, I decided to install 10.04.  The
> > install was slow and resulted in lots of "serial8250: too much work for
> > irq17".  I got the same from installing 9.10 and 10.10.  I even tried
> > ubuntu 10.04.
> >
> > I reinstalled 8.04 and it seems to be allright, even after an apt-get
> > update and upgrade.
> >
> > A google on "too much work for irq17" found several others with the same
> > problem, mostly with Dell 2400 series computers (like mine).  But no
> > solutions.
> >
> > Support for 8.04 runs out soon and I sure don't want to have to leave
> > kubuntu.
> >
> > Sure would appreciate some help on this. bruce
> So it seems removing the PCI modem card from your Dell 2400 might solve
> this.
> If it does, please add [SOLVED] to the subject line.
> Good luck!
>     -Frans

I don't have a PCI modem, but I do have a Hauppauge PVR-350 tv card and 
cat /proc/interrupts shows it on interrupt 17.  I disconnected the tv cable 
from it and tried booting up with the live CD for 10.04.  It installed and 
seemed to be a usable (but slow) system, which is more than I got before.  I 
assume the slowness is because it is working from the CD.  When I do a real 
install I will see if the cable can be re-connected after the system is 
installed without tearing everything up.

Thank you very much, Frans.

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