Fwd: gsmartcontrol for Kubuntu 8.04

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Mon Nov 22 20:22:14 UTC 2010

On Monday, November 22, 2010, ray burke wrote:
> I have downloaded gsmartcontrol deb app and tried to install on my k
> 8.04 but missing dependency  libcairomm-1.01, after going thru
> google found itr and tried to install but again dependency missing, so
> looked in the linux forum and found a post about gsmartcontrol,
> saying missing libcairomm, but was stated from help from
> someone that it needed debian etch, but dont know wat this means, I nned
> advise?

Would like to help but 8.04  is pretty old and I am running 10.10

I asked aptitude to install  gsmartcontrol   and it said "fine, let's do it!"  
but I cancelled.

In otherwords, it had all the parts it needed.

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