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Reinhold Rumberger
rrumberger at
Fri Nov 12 13:30:38 UTC 2010
On Tuesday 02 November 2010, Nils Kassube wrote:
> shawn wilson wrote:
> > However, if ctrl+alt+f1 works and you can login there, do:
> > sudo passwd # set root password
> Why? Usually there is no real benefit if you set a root password.
There is. I once pulled a little stunt where a friend of mine went to
the toilet and I quickly rebooted his machine into rescue mode and
used that to set a root password and create a backdoor account. It
was all in good fun, and after creating a couple of funny effects, I
showed him what I did, so in the end there was no harm done.
But the fact remains that, should anybody but you have physical
access to the machine, you had better set a root password or risk
having your system compromised *really* quickly and easily.
Obviously, if no one who knows anything about Linux is ever going to
be around the machine, the point is moot, but if you own a laptop or
have geek friends over, you had better see to it that your computer
is properly protected. And a root password is really the least that
absolutely needs to be set. (Ideally, you also need a boot password
for your grub and a BIOS password and you hard drive needs to be
first in the boot order. But exploiting a lack of those will mostly
take longer than exploiting a missing root password...)
> If you need a root shell, you can use e.g.
> sudo su
> instead.
I prefer "sudo su -" as that will set a proper root environment and
not leave stuff like $HOME pointing to your home directory, mucking
up permissions on settings files.
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