How to load sata_nv before pata_amd on Kubuntu Hardy 8.04

Tom H tomh0665 at
Mon Nov 8 03:34:31 UTC 2010

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Ric Moore <wayward4now at> wrote:
> Being an old grey head, I have yet to figure out WTF UUID's are supposed
> to do for me. I MUCH prefer just using the actual devices. They only
> thing I can imagine would benefit by such a scheme would be a RAID
> device. Is that correct? Someone want to educate me on this?

UUIDs are more persistent than devices. If you add a new device, the
kernel names it "/dev/sda", and grub and/or fstab refer to "/" as
"/dev/sdaX", you won't boot.

RAID uses UUIDs but a RAID superblock also has other values to allow a
array to assemble itself.

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