How to load sata_nv before pata_amd on Kubuntu Hardy 8.04

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Sun Nov 7 12:45:58 UTC 2010

2010/11/4 Nigel Henry <cave.dnb2m97pp at>:
> I added a pata harddrive to my machine that already has 2 sata harddrives.
> Hardy is loading pata_amd before sata_nv. Is there a way to load sata_nv
> first?
> I have a bunch of distros on this machine, with many FAT32 data partitions
> shared, so the drive order is important.
> Dapper is loading them in the correct order: 1, sda; 2, sdb; 3, hda (no
> libata).
> Intrepid is loading them in the correct order: 1, sda; 2, sdb; 3, sdc (the
> pata drive).
> All the Fedora installs are as Intrepid above.
> Had a problem with drive ordering with Archlinux, but appending the kernel
> line in grub with -earlymodules --sata_nv resolved that problem. Archlinux
> uses mkinitcpio for the initramfs so that wouldn't work for the Hardy
> problem, but is there something similar I could append the kernel line with
> in Hardy, that would load the sata_nv module before the pata one?
> Many thanks for any assistance with this problem.
> Nigel.

I'm not sure I understand why you want the devices in specific order?
It's not very often you need to access the device nodes direct, rather
through the mount point. Do you use LABEL or UUID  to mount the

/ Jonas

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