Status of Lucid???

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at
Thu May 13 22:45:39 UTC 2010

On Thursday, May 13, 2010 03:06:50 am Bill vance wrote:
> I'm getting notices about the latest stable version of Lucid
> being available.
> Just how good/bad is it?  Has it fixed the problems that
> Karmic has, like sub microscopic printing in the menuing, or
> on the various gadgets, and not being capable of recognizing,
> or otherwise dealing with Hewlett Packard printers, etc?
> Bill

I don't know about the printer but the font is definitely different after I 
upgraded last night.  It looks gnome-y right now.  I had it set on 120 dpi 
because it was too small at 96.  Lemme set it back . . . .

. . . Yup, that was it.  I restarted Kontact and it looks a lot better at this 
size.  Just like it was before at 120 dpi.  That seems to be fixed.

I had a bug where kontact would not completely quit when it was minimized and 
then closed from the system tray.  That is gone now.  It starts a lot quicker 
too.  I did get a bad upgrade on the graphics but a purge and install of the 
package nvidia-glx-185 fixed it immediately.  Everything else works just like 


"Now no one has to tell an old Aberdeene pub-crawler how to applaud, captain."  
Montgomery Scott

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