Upgrade to 10.04 broke wireless.

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Sat May 8 13:33:58 UTC 2010

2010/5/8 Kaj Haulrich <kaj at haulrich.net>:
> Just a note of advice:
> The upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 - followed by re-install x3 - broke my wireless
> completely, wicd as well as network-manager. Everything appeared OK until I
> tried to connect via WPA personal. Then it kept going like this: "Bad
> password" (it wasn't).

It broke my wireless to.
I have always had problem with my D-link G-122 USB adapter but it
started to work in 9.10 after an upgrade to 4.4.2 or perhaps 4.4.3 but
after upgrading to 10.04 it is broken again. I can see all networks
but can't connect to it. Either nothing happens or I repeatedly got
bad password/key. I have a WPA2-PSK network. As far as I understand
its the WPA2 that has been the problem before and it looks like its
back again.

/ Jonas

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