Folders display as files

Jerry Lapham rjlapham at
Sun Mar 28 03:50:47 UTC 2010

Both my desktop and laptop run Kubuntu 9.10.  I have partitions on each of 
them called /data and /data2 with symlinks for each 
in /home/jerry.  /home/jerry is shared using Samba.

Until yesterday when I displayed the desktop's /home/jerry in Dolphin on the 
laptop it showed /data and /data2 as folders and I could open them.  When I 
displayed the laptop's /home/jerry in Dolphin on the desktop it showed /data 
and /data2 as folders and I could open them.  Now when I do it they show as 
files - type unknown.

I haven't changed anything but I did accept a bug fix update which I recall 
included Samba.

Anybody else experienced anything like this?

Jerry Lapham
Monroe, OH  45050
rjlapham at
"Many have argued that capitalism does not offer a satisfactory moral message. 
But that is like saying that calculus does not contain cabrohydrates, amino 
acids, or other essential nutrients. Everything fails by irrevelant 
standards." -- Thomas Sowell

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