Stop Kmail from removing leading spaces

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Fri Mar 26 07:28:22 UTC 2010

2010/3/26 I am me <theunknownandrew at>:
> On Fri March 26 2010 11:05:41 am Nils Kassube wrote:
>> Could it be that you don't use a fixed width font for displaying
>> received messages?
> No, I had set up Kmail to use a Mono font for both message viewing and
> composing.

I think it is the HTML part of your message thats wrong. This is how
the code looks:
<br />        \|||/<br />  --ooO-(o o)-Ooo---<br />  Andrew (_) Chelladu=
rai<br /><br />

Blanks in HTML are stripped and Mail clients that showing the HTML
part instead of the ASCII part like Gmail is the one that get it

/ Jonas

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