network manager applet in kubuntu

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at
Thu Mar 25 08:18:02 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 23 March 2010 11:28:10 pm Alan Dacey Sr.'s cat walking on the 
keyboard wrote:
> Did you try wicd?  I read about it on this list for a while now and never
> needed it until yesterday.  I have a new build with a wireless PCI card
> that was advertised to work out of the box in Ubuntu.  Network Manager
> couldn't even find it.  I installed wicd and it magically worked at full
> strength. sudo apt-get install wicd

Yes, it works fine, but again it is a gtk program. Is it possible that while 
gnome has a lot of integrated network managers, kde does not have one that 
works? I guess this could be a limitation in the adoption of kde-based systems 
and if Ubuntu has made really simple the adoption of Linux, Kubuntu should try 
to do the same.


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