problem tagging files with amarok

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at
Mon Mar 22 10:49:19 UTC 2010

On Friday 19 March 2010 02:51:10 pm Myriam Schweingruber's cat walking on the 
keyboard wrote:
> Could you maybe start with telling us which exact Amarok version and
> KDE version you are using? There have been huge changes sin 2.2.0
> which is the default version on Kubuntu 9.10, and Amarok 2.3 has just
> been released.

I'm running amarok 2.3.0 on kde 4.4.1.

> If you upgrade from an even older version than 2.2.0, make sure you do
> a full collection rescan, followed by a restart, since there were
> MySQL version changes in between that can cause a wrong display in the
> CollectionBrowser.

I've also tried to erase the collection and fill it again.

> If you need to tag more than the occasional file, you should consider
> a mass tagging software like kid3, easytag or picard, Amarok is not
> meant to be used as a mass-tagging software.

Thanks, I'll try them.


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