Hibernating and locking screen

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at web.de
Sun Mar 21 13:45:34 UTC 2010

On Sunday 21 March 2010, Jonas Norlander wrote:
> 2010/3/21 Eric <ejazzkatt at gmail.com>:
> > I don't remember changing any settings anywhere but my computer
> > hibernates and when I try to wake t, I have enter my password
> > again. As I said, I don't remember changing anything. Anybody
> > know how to fix this?
> > 
> > Eric
> That's how it should work but i think you can disable it from (Not
> sure of the names in English) System settings -> Advanced ->
> Powersaving -> General Settings. Uncheck "Lock screen when
> resumed".

Actually, IIRC there was a bug in one recent version of KDE that 
prevented that option from having any effect.


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