(K)ubuntu @ Asus Eee PC 1001HA - request for advise.
Tom Bell
cbell44 at cfl.rr.com
Wed Mar 17 23:27:50 UTC 2010
Bas Roufs wrote:
> Hello Tom and others
> Try:
>> sudo hcitool dev
>> It will give you the device name (hci0, hci1, hci2...) followed by the
>> MAC address.
> bas at Viaconsensus2:~$ sudo hcitool dev
> [sudo] password for bas:
> Devices:
> hci0 00:09:DD:50:8E:63
> bas at Viaconsensus2:~$
>> Type:
>> sudo hciconfig up hci0 ; use the device name for hci0 if different
> bas at Viaconsensus2:~$ sudo hciconfig up hci0
> hci0: Type: USB
> BD Address: 00:09:DD:50:8E:63 ACL MTU: 310:10 SCO MTU: 64:8
> RX bytes:1049 acl:0 sco:0 events:36 errors:0
> TX bytes:1347 acl:0 sco:0 commands:34 errors:0
> bas at Viaconsensus2:~$
>> sudo hciconfig -a iac get hci0
> bas at Viaconsensus2:~$ sudo hciconfig -a iac get hci0
> hci0: Type: USB
> BD Address: 00:09:DD:50:8E:63 ACL MTU: 310:10 SCO MTU: 64:8
> RX bytes:1049 acl:0 sco:0 events:36 errors:0
> TX bytes:1347 acl:0 sco:0 commands:34 errors:0
> Features: 0xff 0xff 0x8f 0xfe 0x9b 0xff 0x59 0x83
> Packet type: DM1 DM3 DM5 DH1 DH3 DH5 HV1 HV2 HV3
> Link mode: SLAVE ACCEPT
> Name: 'Viaconsensus2-0'
> Class: 0x4a010c
> Service Classes: Networking, Capturing, Telephony
> Device Class: Computer, Laptop
> HCI Ver: 2.1 (0x4) HCI Rev: 0x12e7 LMP Ver: 2.1 (0x4) LMP Subver: 0x12e7
> Manufacturer: Cambridge Silicon Radio (10)
>> If you have the MAC address of the device you are connecting to try:
>> sudo hcitool name "MAC Address" ; replace "MAC Address" with MAC
>> Address of device.
> Taking into account the instructions above, the next konsole command would be:
> sudo hcitool hci0 00:09:DD:50:8E:63
> This is what happens:
> bas at Viaconsensus2:~$ sudo hcitool hci0 00:09:DD:50:8E:63
> bas at Viaconsensus2:~$
> So, no failure report nor any other specific message comes out.
>> Let's see how far you get.
> Now, my mobile phone does recognise the dongle/ laptop combination as
> "Viaconsensus2-0", which sounds correct, taking into account the name
> I gave to this laptop when installing Kubuntu Karmic: "Viaconsensus2".
> At this machine, the dongle/ laptop combination is being recognised
> via "Adaptors" in KBluetooth as follows:
> Viaconsensus2-0, MAC Adress 00:09:DD:50:8E:63
> When using the "KBluetooth device wizard", both my present day mobile
> phone and 2 previous ones are being mentioned. But when selecting my
> present day phone (Samsung SGH J700i), I get the following message:
> "Sorry, your device does not support input service."
> When trying to connect from my phone to the laptop, I get a similar
> result. As I said, my phone does recognise "Viaconsensus2-0". But it
> does not manage to connect with it.
> So, we are making progress. But there is still some missing link, for
> which I would appreciate your help.
> Thanks, respectfully yours,
> Bas.
sudo hcitool scan ; results will have colon divided number
sudo hcitool info (colon divided number, including colons)
The colon divided number is the MAC (Machine Access Code).
Your may want to use the right caret (>) to copy results to
a file, thusly,
sudo hcitool info (bdaddr) >> bluetooth_results.txt
The help (hcitool -h, hciconfig -h) with list the MAC as bdaddr.
Keeping the results on file is always a good to go back
and see what the command retrieved.
Also, try:
sudo hcitool cc (bdaddr) ; bdaddr from scan above.
See what you get from there.
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