format thumb drive

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at
Sat Mar 13 17:33:42 UTC 2010

On Saturday 13 March 2010 12:11:08 pm Lee Ross wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 07:01:28 -0900, William Biggs <kc8pdr at> wrote:
> > I need to format my thumb drive I need to know how ?

Reply #6 is the answer.  Use Gparted but be VERY careful!!!
One wrong move and you will eliminate /everything/ on your hard drive.  
A thumb drive will usually auto-mount as something like /dev/sdh.  If you are 
using the stick on windows computers you should format it as fat32.  

Partitioning works like this if it mounts as sdh:
1- Format               (/dev/sdh as fat32)
2- create partition table
3- create partition  (/dev/sdh1)

You can create more than one partition if you like but I don't really see a 
need for that with a thumb drive.  As always BE CAREFUL when using Gparted.  
Read everything twice to make absolutely sure that you are not doing anything 
you don't want to.


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the support of a cause we believe to be just."
Abraham Lincoln

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