Black screen upon starting up Kubuntu

Keith Clark keithclark at
Thu Mar 11 19:59:13 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-03-11 at 10:50 +0800, Goh Lip wrote:
> Alan Dacey Sr. wrote:
> > On Wednesday 10 March 2010 08:14:56 pm Keith Clark wrote:
> >> I have an up to date installation of Ubuntu/Kubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 and I
> >> cannot seem to start up Kubuntu.  It starts, I see the initial startup
> >> screen, it fades to a black background.  Akonadi starts up fine but
> >> turns black right after that.  I can hit Alt-F2 and the command window
> >> pops up.  I can hit ctl-alt-del and the logout window pops up fine but I
> >> cannot do much else as I cannot see any menu bars or backgrounds.
> >> 
> >> Any help would be appreciated.
> >> 
> >> Keith
> > 
> > I tried installing a fresh 10.04 A3 and had a similar problem.  I just
> > drop to
> > tty 2 and can't use the gui at all, tty 7 seems to be forbidden.  No
> > amount of
> > changing/purging/tweaking the nvidia drivers help at all.  I also can't
> > get to
> > boot from the cd on a stick, although that may be my motherboard.  I also
> > installed the first 10.04 beta in a separate partition and upgraded it
> > every
> > time I booted into it.  I can not get any composting working in that one. 
> > I have a feeling that something is still being hammered out in the video
> > code
> > and is not quite ready.  The only things I have not done is test with a
> > new user and if that doesn't work then purge the entire KDE desktop,
> > reboot, and install it again.
> > I'll be following this thread if anybody has better ideas.
> > 
> Booting into older kernel (2.6.32-15-generic) isn't a problem. 
> (and wait for further upgrades to sort this out)
> But if we really want to boot into 2.6.32-16-generic, then try one of the 
> following......
> [1]
> Boot into recovery, select boot normal, at prompt, login and type either
> 'sudo kdm start' or 'startx'  (preferably the former)

'sudo kdm start' results in 'sudo: kdm: command not found'
'startx' results in Ubuntu starting, not Kubuntu.

> [2]
> At blank screen (after attempting to boot as usual), press
> 'alt' + 'ctl' + 'prt scr' + 'k'

Does nothing on my machine.

> I'd recommend [1].


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