Black screen upon starting up Kubuntu

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at
Thu Mar 11 01:44:06 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 10 March 2010 08:14:56 pm Keith Clark wrote:
> I have an up to date installation of Ubuntu/Kubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 and I
> cannot seem to start up Kubuntu.  It starts, I see the initial startup
> screen, it fades to a black background.  Akonadi starts up fine but
> turns black right after that.  I can hit Alt-F2 and the command window
> pops up.  I can hit ctl-alt-del and the logout window pops up fine but I
> cannot do much else as I cannot see any menu bars or backgrounds.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Keith

I tried installing a fresh 10.04 A3 and had a similar problem.  I just drop to 
tty 2 and can't use the gui at all, tty 7 seems to be forbidden.  No amount of 
changing/purging/tweaking the nvidia drivers help at all.  I also can't get to 
boot from the cd on a stick, although that may be my motherboard.  I also 
installed the first 10.04 beta in a separate partition and upgraded it every 
time I booted into it.  I can not get any composting working in that one.  I 
have a feeling that something is still being hammered out in the video code 
and is not quite ready.  The only things I have not done is test with a new 
user and if that doesn't work then purge the entire KDE desktop, reboot, and 
install it again.
I'll be following this thread if anybody has better ideas.


"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from 
the support of a cause we believe to be just."
Abraham Lincoln

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