Kubuntu/Ubuntu does not remove everything from memory at shutdown

Mark Greenwood fatgerman at ntlworld.com
Wed Mar 10 21:48:35 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 10 Mar 2010 20:56:22 Steve Morris wrote:
> On 11/03/10 07:04, Reinhold Rumberger wrote:
> > On Wednesday 10 March 2010, Steve Morris wrote:
> >    
> >> On 11/03/10 03:22, Juergen Sauer wrote:
> >>      
> >>> Am Freitag, 5. März 2010 schrieb Mark Greenwood:
> >>>        
> >>>>> Looks like an pure Windows7 Problem. Ask them.
> >>>>>            
> >>>> No it's not a Windows problem, I have the same. If I choose
> >>>> 'Reboot' on my laptop from within Kubuntu, then when the
> >>>> laptop comes back up I have no ACPI functionality and no
> >>>> sound. I have to Shutdown and then switch on again to do a
> >>>> proper reboot from within (K)Ubuntu. This does not happen with
> >>>> Mandriva. However on my desktop system a reboot from Kubuntu
> >>>> works fine. I suspect it is an ACPI bug and I reported it to
> >>>> Ubuntu about, oh, two millennia ago.
> >>>>          
> >>> Ofcours is it a Problem of the booting operation system if it
> >>> can not correctla initialize the system's hardware.
> >>>
> >>> If a system is to be booted, a OS must be able to boot
> >>> correctly.
> >>>
> >>> In this definition it is a clearly Windoze 7 problem.
> >>>
> >>> Jojo
> >>>        
> >> No, it is not a Windows 7 problem, it is Kubuntu/Ubuntu not doing
> >> things properly with the hardware when it shuts down.
> >> If I shut Kubuntu/Ubuntu down and reboot into Windows 7 I cannot
> >> get any sound from the soundcard.
> >>      
> > Funny how, a couple of years ago, when rebooting from Win to Linux,
> > when one didn't get sound in Linux, it was always Linux' fault...
> >
> > As at least Jojo mentioned: It's not K/Ubuntu's fault if Win7 fails
> > to properly initialise the soundcard. Probably a driver problem in
> > your Win7 install. Third party Win drivers aren't known for their
> > quality, you know...
> >
> >    
> >> If I shut Kubuntu/Ubuntu down
> >> and reboot Mandriva to the kdm login screen, and shut Mandriva
> >> down (it does a forced close of any active applications at
> >> shutdown) and reboot into Windows 7 I get sound from the sound
> >> card. Also if I boot the system into Mandriva only and reboot
> >> into Windows I never have any issues with Windows 7 producing
> >> sound.
> >>      
> > If this is so big an issue for you, why don't you just use Mandriva
> > exclusively? Or do a proper shutdown-start cycle? It doesn't really
> > take more time...
> >
> >    
> What do you mean by a proper shutdown-start cycle? You're not suggesting 
> are you that in order for the system to work properly after using 
> Kubuntu/Ubuntu that I need to actually power off the machine and power 
> it back on rather than warm boot?

Yes that's exactly what I'm suggesting. Those suggesting this is a Windows problem have missed the point and failed to understand the problem. The problem is that Kubuntu does not correctly shut down and clear memory/microcode/ACPI on a warm reboot. If the system has not been properly shut down then it is not the next OS's problem if hardware does not initialise correctly.


> >> Hence it is clearly a Kubuntu/Ubuntu problem of not forciblyos
> >> closing applications still active as it is about to reboot,
> >>      
> > Yeah, it actually does that...
> > Try getting some actual information instead of just looking through
> > boot messages - not everybody logs everything...
> >
> >    --Reinhold
> >
> >    

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