can't boot into kubuntu 9.10 after installation

Goh Lip g.lip at
Sun Mar 7 11:37:17 UTC 2010

On 03/07/2010 06:10 PM, Nepal - google wrote:
> On Sunday 07 Mar 2010 05:36:12 Goh Lip wrote:
>> Now, since you've mentioned in your first message that  you've
>> deleted  symlink and I am not sure you mean the symlink of vmlinuz
>> at Kubuntu, make sure you checked at / if the symlink named
>> vmlinuz is there, if not, manually make it back, ensuring it's the
>> latest kernel (from /boot) and don't forget to rename it
>> 'vmlinuz'.
>> Regards, take care - Goh Lip
> I've noticed those before and wondered why they are there. I used to
> use Mandriva and IIRC they didn't put symlinks in the root directory.
> Do you know why they are there, and why the links in /boot are not
> used?
> nepal.

My guess, and it's only a guess, is that this syslink, vmlinuz is from 
the latest kernel and is generated by initrams after each kernel update. 
This is very handy when the kernel is being used or booted and there is 
no need to keep changing the kernel lines (at other command codes) 
whenever this happens. I find this useful too in grub (both grub2 and 
grub-legacy), like in this case where Paul cannot boot and by issuing a 
command "linux (hd0,x)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdax", there is no need to 
specify the exact kernel like "2.6.32-15-generic" etc.

If I am wrong, or others have more to add, please do so.

Regards - Goh Lip

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