Where is that darn icon?

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at ajinfosearch.com
Sat Mar 6 18:12:18 UTC 2010

On Saturday 06 March 2010 01:02:31 pm Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Saturday 06 March 2010, Alan Dacey Sr. wrote:
> > So my question is where does Dolphin keep the icons that it shows in the
> > Places sidebar?
> Do you remember the name of the file?   If so, locate should be able to
> find it.
> Other than that,     /usr/share/icons/

The name should be UbuntuOne*.png  I made it from a jpeg and that is the 
naming convention I would use.  I looked in /usr/share/icons, 
~/.local/share/icons, and the entire machine for *ub*.png and *one*.png.  
Still can't find it.  Searched in any folder under /usr/ with dolphin in the 
name and can't find any icon information.


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Abraham Lincoln

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