File association defaults

Steve Morris samorris at
Sat Mar 6 01:12:43 UTC 2010

I am having an issue with file association defaults in Kubuntu/Ubuntu. 
In Firefox the default for pdf mimetypes was to ask for information on 
how they should be handled. When the dialogue box pops up as a result of 
clicking on the link, the open with entry lists Ocular as the default, 
but if I look at the kde file associations for pdf files the first 
application listed in the list of handling applications is Acrobat. If I 
click on the Open with dropdown it only specifies Ocular not all the 
applications listed in the kde file associations as being able to handle 
pdf files.
Hence the questions I have are:

    * What in Kubuntu/Ubuntu constitutes the default application for a
      file type and where is specified/modified.
    * Why does the open with entry in the dialogue box (I'm assuming
      this is gtk) not appear to honour the kde configuration,
      particularly when if I double click a pdf file in krusader if
      opens acrobat to display it as indicated by the kde file associations.


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