Kubuntu/Ubuntu does not remove everything from memory at shutdown

Mark Greenwood fatgerman at ntlworld.com
Fri Mar 5 10:29:28 UTC 2010

On Friday 05 Mar 2010 07:50:05 Juergen Sauer wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 4. März 2010 schrieb Steve Morris:
> > Hi,
> >      I am having an issue with Kubuntu/Ubuntu 9.10 on my tri-boot 
> > system. If I shut Kubuntu down and warm boot into Win 7 I do not get any 
> > sound from windows or applications I run. To get sound in windows I have 
> > to shut Kubuntu down and boot into Mandriva because at shutdown it wipes 
> > everything from memory. What need to be done in Kubuntu to get it to 
> > wipe everything from memory at shutdown as Mandriva does?
> Looks like an pure Windows7 Problem. Ask them.
> Jojo
No it's not a Windows problem, I have the same. If I choose 'Reboot' on my laptop from within Kubuntu, then when the laptop comes back up I have no ACPI functionality and no sound. I have to Shutdown and then switch on again to do a proper reboot from within (K)Ubuntu. This does not happen with Mandriva. However on my desktop system a reboot from Kubuntu works fine. I suspect it is an ACPI bug and I reported it to Ubuntu about, oh, two millennia ago.


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