Fwd: Re: Fwd: Kubuntu 10.04 will be LTS but it is ready for that

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at web.de
Wed Mar 3 08:49:17 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 03 March 2010, Rolf Kutz wrote:
> On 02/03/10 11:18 +0100, Alvin wrote:
> >> You don't. You access it via the akonaditray application.
> >
> >Clay Weber said: 'Akonadi sources (in System Settings)'. I know
> >upstream has decided their users are too dumb, so they removed
> >it from the 'Advanced Settings' tab. I only want to know if
> >there is a way to put it back. Just being in the 'Advanced' tab
> >should be warning enough that you can destroy data there. If I
> >wanted the OS (or DE) to hide settings for me, I would have
> >chosen an Apple or Microsoft OS.
> You can add it in the "KDE-Ressources" tab in
> advanced System Settings.

Actually, no, that's something different again. Although you actually 
*do* have a very limited view of the Akonadi configuration that way.

Just look at all the stuff you can change using the akonaditray 
settings menu item...


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