Games, Drivers & all

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at
Tue Mar 2 22:42:00 UTC 2010

On Monday 01 March 2010 11:41:58 pm Varun Jindal wrote:

> .**********************as I have already mentioned, I looked for Games
> package in KpackageKit but it didn't show any packages (either installed or
> To be Installed). Therefore, I had downloaded the package from Internet.
> ONE more information for you folks. I don't have an Internet connection at
> home. So, I usually download packages at my office and then take them at my
> home. THEREFORE, kindly let me kow the offline modes from now on.
> Also, please see my other queries in the first mail. Thank you all once
> again.**********************

If you need to manually download the games, then go to 

Just make sure that you get the correct version for the KDE (3.5.10, 4.3, 4.4, 
etc) you are using and look for the dependencies and other things that Jonas 
said in a different email.

You can find any package somewhere in, 
that is the same place that KPackageKit gets it from.  Using google, type in

     <what-you-want> site:

replacing <what-you-want> with the package you are looking for.


"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from 
the support of a cause we believe to be just."
Abraham Lincoln

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