Brian Wootton Brian.Meg at
Thu Jun 10 20:28:54 UTC 2010

On 10/06/10 19:28, kubuntu-users-request at wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Reinhold Rumberger<rrumberger at>  wrote:
>> >  Why is there a semicolon after the "Re" in your subject line?
>> >
>> >  On Thursday 10 June 2010, Knapp wrote:
>>> >>  If you move to a new place, then you
>>> >>  can't play the DVDs in that place without changing your player's
>>> >>  setting. You can only do this 5 times. What happen if you buy
>>> >>  disks in both places? Yep, you loose one or the other.
>> >
>> >  Not true, you just need two players...:-P
>> >
>> >  Also, if you're lucky enough to get one of the older model, they
>> >  aren't pre-set to a location and don't need to be set to allow
>> >  playing...
>> >  I can keep playing DVDs from any part of the world without problems,
>> >  at least as long as this drive lasts...
>> >
>> >  ?--Reinhold
> 2 players meaning you have to pay for your css rights two times,
> duplicate your hardware that costs a large sum and that is just if you
> move one time. I am now at my 15th city. Thank god only in 2 countries
> so far.;-)  But what if I had been my dad? I would need like 10 DVD
> players. LOL
The money-grubbers will clobber us one way or another, I see from
various blogs that many studios are only going to produce bluray discs
in the future, so us poor linux users will get even more 'illegal' unless
we buy bluray players.

> -- Douglas E Knapp

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