lucid: DVDs no longer accessible

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at
Thu Jul 22 10:57:15 UTC 2010

On Thursday 22 July 2010, Mark Greenwood wrote:
> On Thursday 22 Jul 2010 09:59:07 Ric Moore wrote:
> > I think you mis-understood. Our DVD drives are just fine. But,
> > in Lucid, if you put in a movie DVD you no longer get the popup
> > asking you what to do with it ... K3B, Xine, Movie Player, etc.
> > It no longer happens and I did a fresh install of Lucid. It's
> > probably just something wacky somewhere. Otherwise, DVD's play
> > just fine manually. Ric
> Just a thought, is the device notifier running in your system
> tray?

I think he means that HAL autostart popup, which is a separate window 
and doesn't have anything to do with the device notifier.

Ric, if I'm right, this is done differently now. There's the device 
notifier Mark mentioned, which - if put in the system tray - will pop 
up whenever you attach a new storage device. You can than click on 
the device to get a list of possible actions.


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