Fwd: downloading wicd for Kubuntu 8.04

Clay Weber claydoh at midmaine.com
Tue Jul 20 14:53:59 UTC 2010

On Tuesday, July 20, 2010 02:31:38 am ray burke wrote:

> clay in Xp pro,
> if I install WICD in adept_manager and the mobile wireless
> broadband(stick) dosent work can I reload the Kppp app to use as normal
> dialup? I have read that I it wont run aling aside each other "wicd and
> Kppp)?
> ray

I have no idea if *kppp* has any conflicts with wicd, I do know 
*knetworkmanager* does. 

Of course you can uninstall wicd and reinstall whatever  you were using if it 
does not work


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