NVIDIA Driver Install

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Thu Jul 15 16:18:13 UTC 2010

I went to the NVIDIA web page and downloaded the most current driver for 
my computer. It's a ".run" file that, as far as i can tell from my 
reading, supposed to be executable in terminal.

The file name is:


The instructions read:

"Installation instructions: Once you have downloaded the driver, change 
to the directory containing the driver package and install the driver by 
running, as root, sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-256.35-pkg2.run". I have to edit 
the instruction to reflect the actual file name, 

The file is in my "Downloads" directory so I used Dolphin to open the 
directory and then open a terminal in that directory. I checked the "Is 
Executable" box in the permissions also. When I try to execute the file 
I get an error message that says I'm running "x server", whatever that 
is, and I should exit before running the file. I'm not sure what it 
means [ OK, I'm a dummy ]. Does that mean that somehow I need to boot 
into command line and run it somehow from there?

I looked with Synaptic and Kpackagekit but couldn't tell if this version 
of the driver is available on the repos.

Any help greatly appreciated.

"A good moral character is the first essential in a man." George Washington

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