Partition and content

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Wed Jul 7 06:43:18 UTC 2010

On 06/07/2010 19:21, Perry wrote:
> Le Monday 05 July 2010 21.00:45 Goh Lip, vous avez écrit (you wrote) :
>> On 07/06/2010 01:27 AM, Perry wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> In Hardy, Dolphin would display all the partitions (but swap), with the
>>> size and label (when available) and, in the information part at right,
>>> the partition name (e.g. sda11). I could also click to mount those
>>> partitions and see what they contained (sda7 does not mount there,
>>> probably because it is formated ext4)
>>> Hardy also had a tool for partitions under systemConfiguration advanced
>>> tab.
>>> Under Jaunty and Karmic none of this is available.
>>> How do you go about this, inspect the content of e.g. sda5 ?
>>> This is only (for me now) an academic question, but I would be glad to
>>> have an answer.
>>> greetings		Perry
>> Hi Perry, just retired my old working horse, Hardy (kde3.5.10) but for
>> kde4, at Dolphin, pressing F11 brings out the information panel on the
>> right side; right click on the icon there brings out the configuration
>> menu.
> Hi Goh
> I have this information panel already, but it seems *unreactive*, it hardly
> displays more info what is on the left pane (just Type:folder and modified:
> 06.07.2010), and only when I click on the partition (in Hardy hovering did it)
>> At bottom of dolphin, (like status bar in browser-speak), right click
>> there can bring up size and usage indicators.
> No need to right click, it is always there.
>> Clicking on partition
>> icons on left panel, like in hardy, would mount these partitions too;
> hopefully *this works*   ;O))
>> are you not getting this result? Try double clicking and if successful,
>> you can change that to single-click at the settings tab -->  configure
>> dolphin.
> The only thing missing is I cannot see a clear partition name like sda5
>> Regards - Goh Lip
> @ Mark:
>> It doesn't appear to be possible to get Konqueror or Dolphin to show
> partitions.
> It used to.
>> You can install partitionmanager, which is a KDE frontend to parted. That
> appears in the system settings->advanced tab.
> I had installed gparted, it probably does the same thing as partition manager,
> I can find sda5 but I do not expect to be able to explore the content of sda5
> from there.
> @ Sinclair:
>> you will get almost the same result by setting the Device Notifier
>> widget to show all devices, not only "removable" which is the standard
>> setting
> I will have to dig into this, it might be helpful, and perhaps even solve my
> problem. Will report on that later when I learn how to do that.
Right-click on the device-notifier widget in the Systray (the one that 
comes alive when you insert a flashdisk or CD/DVD). Choose "Device 
Notifier Settings". It should come up a window with settings with 
"General" set to display "Removable Devices only". Change that to "All 
devices" and OK.
When you now click on the notifier you see all devices, hover over one 
and you get info on size and occupied/free space

Hope it helps, it is not as good but it works

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