Partition and content

Perry pwhite at
Mon Jul 5 17:27:12 UTC 2010


In Hardy, Dolphin would display all the partitions (but swap), with the size 
and label (when available) and, in the information part at right, the 
partition name (e.g. sda11). I could also click to mount those partitions and 
see what they contained (sda7 does not mount there, probably because it is 
formated ext4)
Hardy also had a tool for partitions under systemConfiguration advanced tab.

Under Jaunty and Karmic none of this is available.

How do you go about this, inspect the content of e.g. sda5 ?

This is only (for me now) an academic question, but I would be glad to have an 

greetings		Perry

BOFH excuse #17: fat electrons in the lines

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