Download Speed with Kubuntu Karmic 64bit

Billie Erin Walsh bilwalsh at
Fri Jan 29 02:52:57 UTC 2010

Steven Vollom wrote:
> My new system has SATA Drives and all file systems are ext4. They work 
> much faster that the drives and old ext3 file system.
> Although sometimes the speed will spike for a few seconds to around 170mbs, transfers are usually around 100 mbs.  When transfers are runnint 150 to 170mbs, a 1.5gb transfer of data only takes around 10 seconds.  These high speeds are not always present.  Sometimes and usually they average around 100 to 120mbs.  On rare occasions they will go as low as 50 to 60 mbs.  I make a lot of 1 to 3gb transfers and have been monitoring the speeds trying to understand what type of data or file type or any other identifiable characteristic is present at the varying speeds.  Recently to solve a problem that seemed not able to be fixed, I re-installed Kubuntu Karmic.  After the install, I lost the ability to view the speed variations.  Also, the Icon seems to be the same on the panel, a blue circle with an "i" in the center, but the dropdown progress bar has changed.  I assumed it was an change in the plasmoid that happened when I re-installed.  If it can be
>  re-configured to include the varying rate of speed during data transfers, I would like that very much.
> It did not seem to have anything to do with whether the file was a rar or avi file, which surprised me, but I am interested if it may be a factor of the hardware, the SATA drives reving up. My speculation is based on the fact that when transfers are being made, the panel icon has changed, and the progress bar that drops down no longer provides the speed of transfer data; the only thing it shows is the general position of the data transfer.  Apparently my interest is unusual.  No one seems to recognize the change.
> When I first started monitoring the speeds, the dropdown would appear for a couple of seconds and disappear; when I clicked on the blue icon with the "i" in it, the dropdown would appear again, only this time it would remain until the transfer was completed.  It was the first time I noted the changing and sometimes very high transfer speeds, when a 1.5gb transfer would complete almost before I could click on the icon the second time to continue to view the progress.
> This research I am doing is not for a business purpose, however, when I have an understanding of what is taking place, I am confident it will have positive application in business usage.
> I tried your suggestion, but have previously right-clicked the icon looking for configuration.  I did this quite a while ago, and did not remember what was contained in that selection.  The information is interesting, but the choices for changing configuration are not helpful for my inquiry.
> Thanks for trying.
> Steven 

Upload/download speeds are more dependent on the internet paths, server 
speeds on the other end, and server loads on the other end.

Some people are like Slinky's.

Not good for much but fun to watch when you push them down the stairs.

Sent with Thunderbird on my Kubuntu Linux Desktop

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