Whats this

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 21:31:34 UTC 2010

Mark Greenwood said the following at 01/22/2010 12:30 PM :
> On Friday 22 Jan 2010 15:39:42 D. R. Evans wrote:
>> Reinhold Rumberger said the following at 01/21/2010 10:00 PM :
>>> Either way, you can ignore it - you'll get all the notification you
>>>  can stand if there are updates...
>> I don't. Although I've reverted to hardy to get real work done, I have
>> one machine running karmic, and the last automatic notification I
>> received on that machine was about a week after karmic was released.
>> Since then I have had to check manually if I'm interested in finding
>> out about updates.
> I've noticed that the message "You have X updates available" doesn't
> change unless you actually apply the updates, even if new updates are
> available.

I think it's always been that way. Mind you, at least you get a message in
karmic. I don't.

And regarding filing a bug... I'm afraid that eventually I gave up filing
bugs against karmic. I'd had my fill of WONTFIX responses (which is mostly
why I went back to hardy -- I had to get work done and there didn't seem
much reason to be optimistic that karmic was going to improve appreciably.
I live in some slight hope that lucid will be better; at the very least
perhaps state-of-the-art support for C++ developers will be restored).


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