OT Multiple recipient email

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Thu Jan 21 12:09:44 UTC 2010

On Thu, January 21, 2010 11:45, David Fletcher wrote:
> My email server went down a couple of weeks ago, so now I'm trying to get
> it
> configured again.
> It's just about working, but there's a little problem that I never managed
> to
> find before.
> The server is configured firstly as an outgoing mail relay using postfix
> with
> sasl to work as an authenticated smtp client. This appears to be working
> just
> fine.
> At my email provider One and One, there is a mail box used to collect mail
> for
> multiple people, with forwards set up to direct mail for john at example.com,
> mary at example.com etc. to the same box.
> This mail box is emptied by fetchmail running as a cron job, which passes
> messages to procmail for filtering and sorting.
> Normally, this works.
> AFAICT my problem is, if a single message is sent to multiple recipients
> @example.com, it goes into the One and One mail collection box as a single
> message with multiple recipients, gets collected by fetchmail as a single
> message, then gets dropped by procmail into the first matching local mail
> box
> it finds, so that only one of the recipients actually receives the
> message.
> I can log into the One and One mail box with web mail, and sure enough it
> shows a single message with multiple recipients.
> Is it possible to somehow tell fetchmail to make multiple copies of these
> messages before passing them on to procmail?
> Or is this what's happening? See
> http://fetchmail.berlios.de/fetchmail-man.html
> quote "Also, note that in multidrop mode duplicate mails are suppressed. A
> piece of mail is considered duplicate if it has the same message-ID as the
> message immediately preceding and more than one addressee. Such runs of
> messages may be generated when copies of a message addressed to multiple
> users are delivered to a multidrop box. "
> I've been searching for a solution to this all morning, can't find it.
> Can anybody help me please?

You already run a local postfix, right?
How about setting that up for local mail delivery?
If I understand you correctly, this is your current setup:

OUT: mail client -> local postfix -> internet
IN: internet -> ISP POP3 -> fetchmail -> procmail -> local mailbox

You could set it up like this:

OUT: client -> local postfix -> internet
IN: internet -> ISP POP3 -> fetchmail -> postfix -> procmail -> mail client

You need "smtphost localhost" in your .fetchmailrc. It tells fetchmail to
deliver the mail to the local smtp server (postfix)

That's how I have it configured.


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