Current AMD/ATI binary driver status in (K)ubuntu

Jimmy Stewpot mailers at
Fri Jan 15 09:39:58 UTC 2010

Hello All,

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post a message of this nature. I am currently looking at a variety of different hardware platforms to install kubuntu on as my new system. One of the platforms that I particularly like has an AMD/ATI graphics chipset. When I last used the ATI binary drivers they left something to be desired. So my question is what is the current status of the binary driver. I am hoping that they are much easier to manage now. Can anyone point out what features work and don't work. For example can I use the HDMI interface, DVI and standard vga all at once. I looked at the ATI/AMD FAQ and it seemed to be very dated.

If anyone can shed some light it would be greatly appreciated.



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