Disbable point in the middel of the screen

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 07:51:02 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 12 January 2010 22:48:26 Jens Strohschnitter wrote:
> ok - I have linked xkill with ctrl-alt-esc and now I can kill the window,
Perfect - that confirms my original suspicion that it's a window. Now it only 
remains to find out which one.

>  but a tasklist will not been shown.
Use ctrl + esc.
Or open a konsole and use 'top' or 'ps ax'
You are looking for anything odd. Close all your normal apps and see if it 
goes away. Close any new (non default) plasma widgets one by one. It's a 
process of elimination.

I think there's a way to get window information by clicking a window -- 
try 'xwininfo' (run it from a konsole) then click on the spot and read the 
console output.


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