please I need support

Stifan Kristi sugizo at
Wed Jan 13 07:23:33 UTC 2010

Ahmad Abou el-naga wrote:
> I want to install Kubuntu 9.10 and I want to know:
> 1-can I have it installed on a drive and windows xp on another drive 
> and they would work normally?
> 2-some drivers are not present for linux like those of Abit and 
> creative Audigy2 zs.what can I do to fix this?
> 3-the security issues and security system programs what are the safety 
> issues?
> 4-I'm a windows user and I want to try Kubuntu will i find driver 
> problems and difficulties?
> thanks in advance.
> regards
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I think the best choice to test it on the Virtual Machine first, like 
VirtualBox, VMWare or QEmu, you can remove it by Delete the Virtual Machine.
Or you can try portable ubuntu (run ubuntu os on the windows taskbar), 
you can remove it by Delete the ubuntu portable folder.
Or you can try WUBI (Windows Ubuntu Installer), you can remove it by add 
remove / program on Windows.

PFACMIIW Arabic is supported on ubuntu.
Please let me know if you meet any problem.
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