microphone and skype

Errol Sapir errol at tzora.co.il
Tue Jan 12 04:12:59 UTC 2010

vince spicer wrote:
> I have had some issues with skype as well. I have found that pulse 
> audio with padevchooser always resolve my issues.
> padevchooser is PulseAudios mixer and allows you to change outputs and 
> inputs on the fly and control volumes per application
> sudo apt-get install pulseaudio padevchooser
Vince I re-installed pulseaudio with padevchoser and tried changing 
outputs. There seem to be so many choices but I haven't got anything to 
work. Any guidelines? By the way in skype itself there is now just the 
pulseaudio option, all other options disappeared. The tweaking needs to 
be done by opening padevchoser, if I understand correctly.

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