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Amedee Van Gasse
amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Sat Feb 27 15:40:59 UTC 2010
On 27-02-10 07:29, Varun Jindal wrote:
> this is a reply to Mr. Perry. (I will post another reply for Mr. Alan
> soon) :)).
> 1. Yes, I installed Kubuntu as an app software (as was mentioned on CD
> label). However, i can only boot into either at startup. I know about
> Virtualization but don't want that.
> 2. Anyhow, Yes, I installed Kubuntu in F:\ (XP NTFS partition) from a
> live CD mailed to me from shipit. I can open it within XP to see Kubuntu
> files but MS doesn't recognize them.
> 3. Mr. Alan rightly said that I may not have the drivers to play media
> files. Otherwise, why won't they play even when they are being shown!!
> 4. Finally one more request: I read Adept should be used (for Kubuntu)
> instead of Synaptic. I found somewhere link to download it. However,
> link opens to show some more files. But never downloads it. Please give
> me a direct link for downloading Adept. I have downloaded Kpackagekit
> though.
> And, show me the way how to install Kpackagekit on Kubuntu...should I
> just copy - paste it into bin and launch?
> 5. Mr. Alan, Yes, I am ready to learn all those commands. :)) wil post
> you the name of games package soon..
> *******************************************************************************
It's obvious to me that you are from India or Pakistan. Not because of
your name, but because your email is in the typical "plz send me the
codes" style.
See http://forums.thedailywtf.com/forums/p/8039/151285.aspx and
There is even an entire website devoted to mocking your style of email:
Your ethnicity isn't the issue, it is probably a cultural thing,
something in the education system in the Indian subcontinent.
To answer your questions:
1. You can only boot into Ubuntu at startup. It is supposed to be that way.
2. That is normal. Do not worry about it. You do not need to open Ubuntu
files while you are in Windows.
3. Not enough info. Make a screenshot, upload it to your website, and
send the link to this list.
4. Forget Adept. Use Synaptic.
5. Do not download any software for Ubuntu. Never. Only install software
that you find in Synaptic.
While this isn't exactly 100% true, you will need at least a couple of
months or years experience before you use something else than Synaptic
to install software.
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