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Varun Jindal seeu.varun at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 09:21:36 UTC 2010

Thank you for the reply, Mr. Alan. let me re-explain my issues:

1. I installed Kubuntu 9.10 (F:\) in Windows CP (C:\) as application.
However, I cannot launch Kubuntu from inside XP. I've to reboot PC & then
start Kubuntu. Please let me know how to launch Kubuntu from within Windows

2. Playing Media files (mp3/mp4/vob), I could not play by opening Dolphin
and clicking on the picture of the disk.   (Because picture of the disk
DOESN'T appear. Only names of the Windows Drives (D:\, F:\, etc.) appear.
Single clicking opens the drive). So, let me know the alternatives tp play
mp3, & how to mount a drive.

3. I found out there are no games in Kubuntu. So, I downloaded some packeage
from Internet, unzipped it. There were so many games' folders. Opened a
folder only to find C++ files; I Got Confused!! So, Please let me know how
to install games from that folder..

thank you once again for welcoming me to the world of joY, called Kubuntu.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Alan Dacey Sr. <grokit at ajinfosearch.com>wrote:

> On Thursday 25 February 2010 11:21:45 pm Varun Jindal wrote:
> > thank you. I liked the open source OS. Its as brilliant as the Windows
> > 7/Vista. However, I have some difficulties with Kubuntu 9.10, as follow:
> >
> > I have Windows XP as main OS (in C:\) & Kubuntu 9.10 installed as
> > application (in F:\). Now,
> >
> > 1. Amarok player won't LOAD media files (D:\) - either by drag and drop
> or
> > by giving the path.
> >
> > 2. I also do not know how to install GAMEs. I downloaded the required
> > package, unzipped to find some C++ header files. But don't know further..
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