Kubuntu 10.04 will be LTS but it is ready for that

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 15:09:57 UTC 2010

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Clay Weber <claydoh at midmaine.com> wrote:
> Forwarded to kubuntu-devel. hopefully we can get a response back in here
> on this.
> Clay Weber
> O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Those who have been around long enough remember the discussion around
>> the last Long Term Support release. Ubuntu 8.04 is LTS whereas Kubuntu
>> 8.04 is not, the difference being that it was deemed unsupportable to
>> have an LTS with KDE 3.5 as base when KDE 4 was "almost released".
>> Now we see the coming release of 10.04 going to be Kubuntu LTS. I assume
>> with KDE SC 4.4 as "base" and from what I see of those trying it out at
>> the moment there are some really major headaches with Akonadi, Nepomuk
>> and KDE-PIM.
>> So my query is: is it the right time to go LTS? There will have to be
>> some really good upgrade "scripts" for users of KDE-PIM with
>> distributionslists, many resources etc in order for them to make the
>> proper choices. As I understand it... I am just a fairly techie user.
>> Would it maybe be better to wait for SC 4.5 with, hopefully, more of
>> those issues fixed?
>> And will it be possible to go 8.04 to 10.04? A question since I support
>> some 10+ desktops still on 8.04, then I have a few on 9.10 who will NOT
>> want to find they lost all their Contacts, lists etc.
>> This is more a "any opions welcome" than "support-query" I guess but
>> having some 2 months left to release some answers would be good. Or
>> plain opinions or ideas or...
>> kind regards

Kubuntu has a long history of premature release. I don't expect to see
that change even though I think it should. Kubuntu tends to be a
bleeding edge distro. I works for me but I would never want to use
this distro on release day for customers. One year later it does seem
to get things worked out though. KDE 4, still being an exception with
more crashes that I would want a customer to have.

Douglas E Knapp

Open Source Sci-Fi mmoRPG Game project.

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